Current Members

The ESL Current Members brings together highly skilled professionals from engineering, geology, mathematics, computer science, and related fields. Please refer to the profile link on each name to read more about their background, and find contact information.

† Faculty

Baehyun Min, Director Dr. Baehyun Min [My Location@GoogleMap]

Associate Professor
Department of Climate and Energy Systems Engineering
College of Engineering
Ewha Womans University
CV   Résumé   Google Scholar
Mendeley   Researchgate   EWHA PURE   SciVal

† Postdoctoral Researchers

Minchul Jang
Dr. Minchul Jang
Postdoctoral Fellow
(2022.06 - Present)
Youngbin Ahn
Dr. Youngbin Ahn
Postdoctoral Fellow
(2023.09 - Present)

† Graduates

nuudari Arvis
Anuudari Arvis (Anna)
PhD Student
(2019.09 - Present)
Suin Choi
Suin Choi
MS Student
(2023.03 - Present)
Soeun Yoon
Soeun Yoon
MS Student
(2023.03 - Present)

† Undergraduates

Minkyung Chae
Minkyung Chae
(2023.01 - Present)
Ilyeo Park
Ilyeo Park
(2024.06 - Present)
Myungjoo Kang
Myungjoo Kang
(2025.01 - Present)
Kiwon Kim
Kiwon Kim
(2025.01 - Present)
Minchae Kim
Minchae Kim
(2025.01 - Present)