- Research on Modeling and Simulation of CO2 mineralization
- Funder: Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC)
- Period: 2024.06 - 2024.11 (0 year 6 months)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: 2024-02
- Multi-scale Analysis of Geo-energy Systems based on the Integrated Modeling of Advanced Multi-physics and Machine Learning: from Pore to Field Scales
- Funder: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Period: 2024.04 - 2024.06 (0 year 3 months)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: RS-2024-00418243
- Intelligent Proxy Model Development for Smart Prediction in CCUS Enabled Blue Hydrogen Project
- Funder: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Period: 2022.11 - 2023.10 (1 year 0 months)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: 2022H1D3A2A01096314
- The Korean Green Taxonomy Guidelines (K-Taxonomy) Application Model Development Project
- Funder: Yoon&Yang LLC (Lawfirm Hwawoo)
- Period: 2022.11 - 2023.04 (0 year 6 months)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Sanghoon Lee (Assistant Professor at EWU)
- Project No.: N/A
- Frontier-1.5D
- Funder: Hanwha Total Energies
- Period: 2022.06 - 2023.05 (1 year)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: N/A
- Frontier-1.5D
- Funder: SK, CJ, Shinhan Bank
- Period: 2021.06 - 2022.05 (1 year)
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Yongsang Choi (Professor at EWU)
- Project No.: N/A
- Optimal Operations of Oil and Gas Fields with Quantification of Geological Uncertainties using Reservoir Big Data Analytics
- Funder: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Period: 2021.06 - 2022.05 (1 year)
- Principal Investigator: Ms. Seoyoon Kwon (ESL PhD Candidate at EWU)
- Project No.: 2021R1A6A3A13046159
- Needs Assessment of Educational Programs of Health Care, Climate Change, and Job Creation for Community Capacity Building in Vietnam
- Funder: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Period: 2021.05 - 2022.01 (8 months)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Sangmi Cho (Professor at EWU)
- Project No.: TBD
- Building Conceptual Design for Mid-size Integrated CCS Demonstration
- Funder: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE)
- Period: 2021.04 - 2023.12 (2 years 9 months)
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Hoseob Lee (Korea National Oil Corporation)
- Project No.: 20214710100060
- Machine Learning-based Analysis on Gas Hydrate
- Funder: Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)
- Period: 2021.03 - 2024.12 (3 years 10 months)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Kyungbook Lee (Assistant Professor at Kongju National Univ.)
- Project No.: GP2021-010
- Optimization of Operating Conditions and Well Deployment for the Dual-tubing CCS System with Horizontal Wells Considering Storage Security and Economics
- Funder: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Period: 2021.03 - 2023.08 (2 years 6 months)
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Min Kim (ESL Research Professor at EWU)
- Project No.: 2021R1C1C2013852
- Development of Cascading Outages and Restorations Strategies of Power System considering Non-Synchronous Generators
- Funder: Korea Electric Power Corporation Research Institute (KEPRI)
- Period: 2021.02 - 2024.01 (3 years)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Jin Hur (Associate Professor at EWU)
- Project No.: R21XO01-1
- Optimum Design Development of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Technology by Automated Decision Support System based on Deep Learning Guided by Reservoir Big Data
- Funder: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Period: 2020.06 - 2022.05 (2 years, early termination)
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Jinhyung Cho (ESL Research Professor at EWU)
- Project No.: 2020R1I1A1A01067015
- Regional Climate Sensitivity for East Asia
- Funder: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Period: 2019.07 - 2022.07 (3 years)
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Yongsang Choi (Professor at EWU)
- Project No.: TBD
- Development of Automated Decision Support System based on Deep Learning Guided by Reservoir Big Data for Optimal Operation during the Life Cycle of the Oilfield
- Funder: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Period: 2019.03 - 2023.02 (4 years)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: 2019R1C1C1002574
- Geology-Data-Driven Oil Recovery Prediction Using Deep Learning Techniques for Optimal Operations of Offshore Oil Fields in Vietnam
- Funder: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Period: 2018.10 - 2021.09 (3 years)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: 2017K1A3A1A05069660
- Study on Application of Machine Learning to Well Logging
- Funder: Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)
- Period: 2020.06 - 2020.11 (6 months)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: N/A
- Study on the Evaluation of Influential Factors on CO2-EOR at a Carbonate Reservoir
- Funder: Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS)
- Period: 2019.07 - 2019.10 (4 months)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: N/A
- Optimal Design of Surfactant Alternating CO2 Injection Technique for the Improvement of Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Injectivity
- Funder: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Period: 2017.12 - 2018.12 (1 year)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: 2017K2A9A1A01092734
- Survey on Digital Oil Field Market
- Funder: POSCO ICT
- Period: 2017.12 (1 month)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: N/A
- Survey on Recent Progresses in CCS-EOR
- Funder: Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)
- Period: 2017.11 - 2018.01 (2 months)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: N/A
- Development of a Multiple Realization Optimizer Coupled with a Deep Learning based Proxy Model
- Funder: Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS)
- Period: 2017.09 - 2018.08 (1 year)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: N/A
- Analysis of Flow-Stress Relationship in Multiphase Flow based on Multi-Objective Optimization for Efficient Carbon Sequestration
- Funder: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Period: 2017.03 - 2019.02 (2 years)
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Baehyun Min
- Project No.: 2017R1C1B5017767